Meditation frees the mind

It is no secret that meditation is a great remedy for depression anxiety and reduces stress among its benefits is increasing concentration and improves mental clarity then I wonder why not the whole world meditates.

I've been in different streams to meditate and I'm still learning. The first thing to keep in mind is that meditating has different meanings, depending on each person, I personally do meditation exercises to connect with myself, with the deepest part of my being and I use different techniques depending on what I need.

For meditation to work, Take into account your lifestyle and the technique that catches your attention the most. When I start this practice, I did it because many of the books I was reading at the time recommended meditation as a principle to change our lives and I really wanted to change mine. Then I realized that I was more productive, my thoughts at the time of writing were clearer and it really calmed my emotional eddy.

Gratitude makes us happy

I downloaded the application on my cell phone Headspace, This tool allows you to meditate even if 10 minutes and use different techniques, to start I highly recommend it. Then I got to know the pineal gland meditation, Reiki meditation, directed and focused. I am sure that the next revolution in health will be meditation and there are so many ways to reach the one that best suits you., which is why I decided to prepare these tips to start.

Find the style you like best

Meditation is like sport, you have to have consistency and discipline, but unlike sports there is no good or bad way to do a meditation, just the one that works best for you. We all have psychological needs, neurological and different lifestyles. There are meditations for energy, productivity and health among others, find the one that best suits your needs. In the Headspace app there are different packages for productivity, health and well-being.

Manage emotions

One of the things that meditation leaves us, is to learn to detect an emotion and let it go, don't get hooked on it. Of all the meditation techniques, Mindfulness is the most supported by studies and research and the benefits of staying present in the here and now. Nevertheless, there is no denying that any kind of meditation changes our lives, after two or three months we start to see impressive changes, in the way we see the world and how we relate like others. Headspace co-founder Andy Puddicombe says you can feel a difference, doing a meditation 5 minutes a day Every day. Meditation helps us open our hearts, access his wisdom and delve into compassion.

Techniques for everyone

There are various types of meditation; compassion and mindfulness, have their roots in Buddhism or secular mindfulness, unlike transcendental meditation, which has its origin in the Hindu or Vedic traditions. Bob Roth Master of Transcendental Meditation, I believed that all meditation techniques can be located within one of these three schemes

Focused attention, seeks to cleanse the mind and thoughts or calm the monkey mind. It is the type of meditation that you do for example in yoga, body scan or visualization.

Open monitoring, try to observe the thoughts, how they come and go in our minds, without judging them. This includes Mindfulness techniques

By last, there is transcendental meditation, that takes us much deeper, to a state of restful alert. It's like when an athlete is at his peak, where he becomes one with the sport and his teammates. This practice leads us to become one with the world and create miracles..

You can practice various forms of meditation

In this you do not have to be exclusive, any of the meditation techniques is very powerful. It is a tool and it is a means to achieve a result, it is not a result in itself, you may even want to vary the type of meditation depending on the day and how the emotions are. You have to be flexible, Meditating is not doing what you should do, if you don't do what you feel what do you want to do.


Have you practiced any meditation? Tell me what has been your experience?

8 thoughts on “Meditation frees the mind”

  1. This is my kind of post totally. I loved it. Above all, the statement that gratitude makes us happy, I also have that philosophy. I just downloaded the Meditation app and it fascinates me. Then I will try this one that you say to see.
    A kiss!

  2. I have been told a lot about meditation and the truth is that it would not hurt me because I am a pretty nervous girl… Let's see if I get up and try it!
    Very good pretty post!
    a kiss

  3. Completely agree with you! And I think I would need to put it into practice. It is difficult to take a few minutes for yourself when you are a mother but I think that they are more than necessary to spend meditating, even if it's difficult. Thank you very much for sharing!???

  4. Hello Beautiful
    Without a doubt I have to add some moments of meditation in my routine because from what you comment everything is benefits!
    A big kiss

  5. It's funny because these days I got sick and did not finish healing. Until I realized that it was partly mental and I began to meditate and cleanse energies and holy remedy, almost instantly I started to improve. For now I use guided meditations just to connect with myself and release stress.

  6. Luisanna from My Outfit RD

    If you knew that a few days ago I was reading about meditation, and now seeing your post I just convinced myself. Thanks for sharing.

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