Women make soft autumn

The person at each station radiates unique characteristics, When the colors used are favorable to your skin tone and personality. For women soft autumn these features are an eternal joviality, smoothness and brightness.

Light reflecting soft autumn women can be as incandescent as the warm autumn or a little cold as soft summer. There are many variations in the appearance of a soft autumn woman. she may know it autumn, but it is difficult to achieve harmony in the colors of their clothes makeup and hair hitting.

The color spectrum of soft autumn woman in the lighter area. Sometimes it can be clearer than clear summer woman. The colors that best stay can be a little more saturated than those for the clear summer season because your skin is warm.

Shadows and eyeliners


This station is difficult to control the dark colors. Sometimes eyeliners tend to be very strong, so it is best to use shadows to make the eyeline. But ultimately it depends more on each woman and her personality.

I recommend delineate shadows or crayons that can blur, to give it that touch the strong eye makeup. Using the same eyeliner shade or eye color can be a double-edged sword, for a woman with blue eyes at this station, blue shadow is your worst enemy. If you are going to wear blue is the best this is almost opaque green and can blur.

For a woman brown eyes it is much easier because they can use various shades of coffee and all will enhance your look.

Lipsticks and blushes


He bronze It is your best friend you can use it on the cheeks, even in the eyes lips. Remember that the colors chosen for your makeup, should work with your skin tone, eye color and natural blush with your cheeks. Tones that have in their composition or warm yellow gold, peach or soft orange, They look great this season. If you're using a vibrant orange matízalo a little soft gold or coffee. Remember that the color contrast in this palette it is low to medium.

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