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What is the color contrast?

Have you ever wondered why when we combine certain items of different colors, It does not look good in theory and color coordinated What happens there? What does a look dissonant? Why do we make certain contrasts pale?. One of the elements in the costumes and makeup overlooked and is very important, It is the color contrast.

The contrast can make any look, whichever is: simple, minimalist, dramatic and sexy look spectacular or not. Sometimes you can combine two colors of your palette and get some impressive results, This is because your skin needs little or too much contrast.

high contrast: I have most winters and brilliant seasons. Women of these stations are bright with contrasting bright colors, because the contrast between his eyes, hair and skin color is strong.


low contrast: Usually it found in women station summer and clear stations, where hair, eyes and skin color can be clear.

Remember that there are variations, for example Alek Wek is a woman of ebony, black eyes and black hair. However the target of the cornea of ​​the eye and the light reflecting her skin lead to a woman who handles high contrast.


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