Personal style rules and when to break them

Start this blog to teach some rules that can funcionarte to enhance the best of your body, your curves, Clothing and accessories. Your body is unique and has wonderful features that play in your favor, They are part of your personal brand. Many people think that I speak of rules, because I love and that's regulations, I'm a lawyer. study this career because I've always been fascinated with everything that has to do with human behavior, in addition to the wardrobe.

Many people think I'm a fashion justiciera, the rules are to judge what is right or wrong. Nevertheless, there is nothing bad or good, Costume issues there what works and what does not. The best way to know what works and enhances the silhouette is knowing the rules.

3D strategy in your closet

There is a phrase of Paris Vogue editor defunct Carina Roitfeld, that I love: A consistent style projects confidence and know what looks good on you save time when choosing to use. This is true, but so is knowing when and how to break the rules, especially in the locker room.

Knowing what the principles are the costumes help you break the rules looking fabulous. Before I met my colors and style, I broke many rules without conscience. Now when I break the rules I can see more caderonas or voluptuous with certain outfits, If I compare with other. The difference is that I made a conscious decision to see me more caderona or more curves, younger or more shabby. It is not an accident.

I like to have many options and constantly change the way I dress, although I have wardrobe capsules, these are anything but small and cover different styles. I like to have fun with your wardrobe and style rules, They are only a guide to achieve our best version.


18 thoughts on “Personal style rules and when to break them”

  1. I totally agree; know the key rules is important but so is knowing when to depart from them and break the mold slightly. I personally love to play; fashion is creative. Little kisses!

  2. Hello Beautiful
    I love this post, style rules are fine but occasionally you have to know when to break them and be yourself
    Undoubtedly fashion is to play with it and do whatever we want
    A big kiss

  3. Ginnymartinezz

    fashion is always to combine, test new designs, and especially risk <3 I loved very good information <3

  4. Luisanna from My Outfit RD

    Fashionable, what fits you. But to know accommodates you have to experience new things and get out of our comfort zone.

  5. The truth I believe that today the limits of "rules" of fashion are very blurred because these have changed and evolved dramatically over time. If it is true that in terms of body types there are certain fundamentals remain unchanged and continue to be a winning formula but I think we live in an age where anything goes and individualism and originality is increasingly appreciated. So we take advantage of this to have fun and wear whatever makes us feel beautiful and fabulous hehe

    Ale Trendy Little Lights

  6. I agree with you honey, everything should not be what dictates fashion, but you have to take risks and try things or different looks. Fashion must have fun and not enslaving. Kisses.

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