Do not compare

It often happens that the external reference of what is considered beautiful, we have attractive and elegant front, as a film loop continues and we can not see over there. Recently a client reminded me this, but he wore a flattering dress, colors in harmony with your skin color and according to your style; He could not be, less positively accepted, because according to her, women who considered elegant, with style; They were very different from her, why not feel beautiful.

Image and brand work more than 10 years and joy advising women of different sizes, body shapes and style. For me all are beautiful, every beauty is only and the concept that each has on the subject is personal, subjective; because it depends on the approach we have taken with the beauty from experience. There is no ideal or perfect body perfect style, every woman is beauty that emanates from its uniqueness.
That particular beauty is magnetic and begins to grow when the woman knows who she is, knows its unique features and uses grooming and clothing as a tool to express your personality.

The comparison is a toxic and poisons the soul game, because it leads to dissatisfaction and everything you do will never be enough. How to compare yourself with someone taller or shorter than you, skinnier or curvilinear or a different race, if the difference is what makes you be who you are. It is true that clothing and shoes come standard making it difficult to buy clothes that fit us well, how each person is unique and has unique particularities, It is likely to touch us send arrange a garment that falls under our body. And speak in "size does not matter, It's just a label "on the martyrdom compare our body indicating a designer. We need to start seeing the beauty in our bodies and not the shortcomings, because let's face it most women first see the flaws.

When you talk to someone else What stands out in this partner? I'm sure that when you interact with another person, the first thing you see I assure you that is not the hips, or glue, or bust unless you have a very pronounced cleavage. The first thing you look at is your face, more precisely his eyes. The same applies to the person who communicates with you; is fixed on your face first. So with a little makeup and accessories suitable take care face and the person with whom you are interacting is not going to fix what others.

The action of comparing yourself with other women all that is going to cause pain, envy and dissatisfaction. Rather it changes the polarity of your thinking thanking what each person has to offer the world individually, in turn you will receive thanks for your contribution to the world, It is a universal law: "What you give you get". Do not be a clone of other people, when copies instead of modeling someone's style, that is to say, suit your personality and personality forced you look or whatever you say to a queen "papery" Beauty, It does not feel real or authentic. That perception makes you lose security and weakens your projection. I propose rather inspire other women who can not or sleeker models but unique style.

Seek inspiration in others, but do not compare!

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