I did not know about the psychological effects of color

The colors are the first things we learn to differentiate, the associate different experiences in life. Indeed psychologists have always fascinated states with the effect of color on human psychology.

Colors can influence human behavior, in metabolic processes and many aspects of life. Color can make us behave and see things differently, so in this article I want to talk about how color affects us.

A color can ill

In an image consultancy, When I'm performing colorimetry, It has happened that some of my clients have had a physiological response to certain colors, literally it made them feel sick, A client once told me to remove a cloth of a particular color because it made her feel nauseous.

It is no exaggeration really people feel the color rather than see it.   The color has a vibration, It has a sound and can physically affect the body. You may not get to the point of feeling nauseous or faint but sometimes have closely a certain color creates discomfort.

When a person feels a color and see what, the mind has two pieces of information that are not congruent and so the person can feel so nauseous, This is called sensory mismatch. An example of sensory mismatch is when the eyes see movement but the brain receives information from the system balancing ear and legs should stand still.

In the case of a colorimetry sensory mismatch is found between what the eyes see and subconscious associations you have with certain color.

The colors evoke different emotions

Take for example red, this color has a certain effect on people and brands have realized that and use it to your advantage. Think of the McDonald's sign, Coca Cola, KFC, Nintendo. They use red because it is scientifically proven that this vivid color, creates a feeling of passion. It is an emotional color.

According to many anthropologists is the color that primitive man could see, led by their basic needs. Bright red is a tone that is very strong in fact the same as the black usually limited to small touches on clothes if the wearer is introverted.

If we talk about the color blue that evokes security, tranquility and confidence so many financial companies use it within the corporate colors.

The mind reacts to the color

 Although it is very difficult to conclude that colors affect the psychological part of a person, the truth is that many studies, some officers, others not so much coming to the same conclusion; that colors affect a person's mind. This starts with studies dating back to 1930 when the neurologist Kurt Goldstein, He began to experiment with color and appearance, Goldstein found that people believe that red objects are heavier than green items. Thanks to another study, tablecloths casinos should be red and not blue because people are incited by this color to bet more.

It's easier for people to forget something when black and white.

Psychologists have found many relationship between color and memory. Various studies have concluded that a presentation graphics color is remembered that the information shown in black ink. A scene from a movie in black and white is harder to remember a scene from a color film, This is because color affects every way subtly and man remembers most what makes you feel. So when using a black outfit and white accessories used strategically with some color.

There is a phobia of colors

 Each person has a color that does not like, but there are people who might be afraid of a certain color. The Chromophobia refers to the irrational fear or aversion to certain colors, in most cases comes from Chromophobia a conditioned response or a negative past experience, but it is an extremely rare diagnosis.

The black is the most powerful Color

The black is not a color but (is the absence of color), It is a tone that generates many feelings, but one of the emotions generated around the world is knowledge. In fact a study conducted at hockey games found that in games where more is penalized for assaulting players, the referee wore black shirt. It is no coincidence that judges, both judges and lawyers use this color and Coco Chanel created the classic black dress for a powerful woman.

He 60% a first impression goes in color

A person an image of another is done in less than 30 seconds, but most of that impact is achieved through colors. The use of the color depends on what the objective, in a job interview using black gives an advantage, but an appointment or meeting bright colors make it look more friendly to a person. If a person uses neutral colors in your wardrobe consistently first impressions not so favorable as suggested by studies.

Men see red and crimson women, bull blood, Cherry red

A study from the University of Arizona made a great discovery as to the ability to see the color red by gender. There is a gene that lets you see different shades of red and is related to the X chromosome Because women have 2 chromosomes X, They have better ability to see the entire spectrum of the red while men have only one X chromosome, not so much see no difference.

6 thoughts on “I did not know about the psychological effects of color”

  1. We've always seen this a lot for business,but if we also use them for our work and rest spaces it would help a lot to lead a more peaceful and harmonious life. The truth that I am is of my knowledge but I must certainly pay more attention to certain things like my house. Excelente post!

  2. It is a very interesting post. Tomato in mind what you say about the costumes in black. Certainly I've always read about the effects of colors and their representation but there colors me.entero some people cause nausea… Thanks for sharing the information.

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