Qualities of color to enhance the tone of your skin

The colors you use in clothing and accessories should harmonize with hair, skin color, eyes and more important to play with your personality, If you are a very happy person can that fits you well as black color, but not according to your vibrant personality. To determine the hue of a color you should know what your temperature, if it is cold or warm. Warm colors usually associated with red, oranges and yellows, while cold colors traditionally associated with the blue, green and violet, the latter favors the warm hue when you have a little more yellow in your mix.



The first thing to consider is whether the color is warm or cold skin, eyes and hair, taking into account the temperature that your skin looks you can determine the colors that suit you. Here is a table of the colors that look to your skin as the temperature whether hot or cold.


If you do not know what kind of colors you best article checks to determine the hue that suits you best. The warm tone looks good in leather with gold colors, golden brown, durazno, apricot, bronze peach or rust inside coloring. The cool shade looks better in pink color skins with cold, amethyst, creamy white, olive coffee, black gray.

In addition to knowing which is the color temperature (hot or cold), you need to know the brightness or color value; ie if a soft or light colored, medium or dark. Finally it is important color intensity; the degree of brilliance of color, its strength and liveliness or opacity.

1 thought on “Qualities of color to enhance the tone of your skin”

  1. The key is knowing how you say harmonize our whole outfit or knowing what kind of colors go well for us and make us stand out!! Than good post

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