Differentiating the spring and summer course

Classification of color palettes in color analysis system, They are called stations because at certain times of the year the colors of the landscape harmonizes with the colors found in hair and skin eyes of a person. The spring and the summer They are the most colorful seasons, although their colors are usually different. For spring sunlight cause vegetation to flourish, colors can be even cooler if we think in the beginning of spring. In summer the sun is at its peak and everything looks different, some of its colors may be warmer.

Soft stations have in common a contrast level low, that is to say, The color of the skin, eyes and hair may be light or dark; but I'm sure the jet-black hair woman like Snow White will not find in this category. At first glance governed by women color palettes spring and summer course have a neutral color, in other words, It is difficult to determine whether color temperature is hot or cold.

The shades in the palette colors contain clear spring cold and warm temperature, but mostly they are warm. Nevertheless, coloration of a woman governed by this season is more neutral, a clear summer. Some of the colors in the palette include light gray light camel colored water peach butter, ivory and black khaki prevents other very dark colors like wine and dark gray.

The color analysis system 12 seasons

Strong colors can make you look pale or older, the person clear summer, the biggest fortress in your wardrobe, this keep clear and cool colors. Monochromatic outfits looks or works very well, like pastels like sky blue water and light gray.

The way to meet our colors is to experiment with them, putting a certain tone fabric close to the skin to see which favors our coloring, It's a great help. Here I leave a picture to distinguish the colors of the sister stations and determine your true color palette.

11 thoughts on “Differentiating the spring and summer course”

    1. Thank you for your comment Merce! It validates your posture, in diversity criterion it is built and my colorimetry is still important, It is a tool that helps us to know and know that the skin reaction has certain color. I know your page and admire your work. successes!

  1. Useful information. I have also studied colorimetry and I think that helps a lot to know what suits you, but then I really just buying me and putting me what I like, jajajjj. Little kisses!

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