11 essential in your portfolio

always in the office there are certain things that help us get through an emergency. That is why it is good to have certain essentials on hand that can get you out of trouble, to and to your colleagues

Band aids


They are the most important if you have to deal with many papers, any cut gives room for bacteria to enter. Although we live in a world full of technology, paper is still an important part of an office and those annoying cuts burn, however the solution is a Band-Aid.

Hand sanitizer


The best way to get away from colds. Keep antibacterial soap on your desk and in your purse.. Use an alcohol-based sanitizer like Purell, flavored ones are antibacterial but not as effective.

Hand cream


As our hands are always dry, it is good to have a cream that absorbs quickly and moisturizes, the best I've tried so far is l'occitante and the Lubriderm is also good but it takes a long time to absorb.

natural eye drops


If you spend a lot of time in front of a computer screen, it is more likely that your eyes will dry out.. Try to get drops that do not have preservatives.



Visine and natural drops are not mutually exclusive. Visina is ideal for red eyes, you don't have to worry if you cried or you're tired and your eyes are red.

teeth cleaning kit

teeth cleaning kit

It goes without saying but it is important to have a brush at hand, toothpaste and floss, more yes we do not have lunch away from home.

eye makeup remover

makeup remover

Very necessary if you work long hours or if you rub your eyes when you are in front of the PC screen. It usually happens that you leave work for a meal, the eyelash and the pencil are already smeared, so you can touch up in the office before leaving.

Advil and feldene flash


Indispensable even in the portfolio so as not to put up with a pain at work, allows you to concentrate. Feldene is very good for strong colic, why does it take away the pain of one.

Other important items

Tampons or sanitary towels should never be missing, in case an emergency happens. A basic makeup kit to touch up (Labial, powder and eye pencil if you use) and wet nurses in case you have an accident with your wardrobe.

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