Let's talk about coffee

Coffee is very important in my life, I enjoy the moments of greater introspection or of real sharing with this delicious drink. By the way, If you want to know much more about the world of coffee visit cafealpaladar where you can find even the most curious facts about this fascinating drink. Coffee is a drink that unites us, it is part of the diet and beauty rituals that have existed since the days of the grandmothers. Here I will talk about how coffee can favor our natural beauty and when we can go to the dark side.

The benefits of coffee in beauty

Besides caffeine, coffee contains magnesium and potassium. These two components are a source of beauty, according to oriental medicine magnesium is the mineral of beauty as it balances electrolytes, essential for hydration and freshness of the skin. While potassium is a type of electrolyte that helps in the nutrition process of cells and in the contraction of muscles. This allows that increase of energy in the body when drinking coffee.

This drink also helps with weight loss as it increases metabolism. At 2020 a Harvard University study published in the American journal of clinical nutrition, assured that people who drank 4 cups of coffee a day had seen a 4% reduction in body fat. Weight loss is due to the caffeine in coffee increasing metabolism, which leads to burning more calories.

Coffee-based beauty routines

In the world of beauty, coffee is a great stimulant for the skin, face and hair. The seed contains a large amount of antioxidants and when ground it can work as a gentle exfoliator to remove dead cells and improve circulation wherever it is applied (in the areas with cellulite: legs and thighs works great).  Here is an infographic.

The dark side, the excess

But there are not only virtues in coffee. This drink contains an element called caffeine that in excess makes our body work in a state of emergency all the time. When you consume too much caffeine, it sends a message to the pituitary gland (found in the brain and alerts the body to states of emergency) to produce adrenaline or cortisol. When adrenaline is produced, blood sugar rises to give more energy; your blood pressure and pulse increases to give more oxygen to the muscles and prepare to act.

This was very useful in the stone age when a lion or jaguar could be on the prowl, but in the middle of the century 21 we don't have these kinds of threats, Nevertheless, the body perceives them this way and activates the instinctive response to fight or escape, if this happens over a long period of time, the benefits of coffee will not be seen in your natural beauty. Coffee is good, has benefits for our beauty and health, However, it is a drink that we need to drink in moderation and enjoy it with our friends or own company every day..

6 thoughts on “Let's talk about coffee”

  1. Totally! I like to drink coffee, but always in moderation. When the body is tired we also have to listen to it. If not, all beneficial effects for beauty end up disappearing…
    Ah! And I had a coffee-based mask and it was a real wonder.
    a kiss

    Eli | Curly Style

  2. Hello Beautiful
    Well, I usually drink coffee so it is great to know that it has benefits in the field of beauty
    further, I see many interesting treatments
    A big kiss

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