5 to avoid tricks to cheat the diet

The year is beginning and with a new year comes honoring new resolutions or at least... Trying!. If you started a diet: you eliminated the sweets in your pantry and the ones you have laced up there, you replaced the sugar with Splenda or another substitute and you changed the regular milk with skim, you're doing well. But the hardest test is yet to come; win the battle with your mind when it tells you it's okay to cheat once, as the saying goes “Once a year does not hurt”

These 5 advice will help you silence that little voice to follow your diet to the letter.

  1. Dots don't always have to connect, for an effective diet it is best to break the connections. Some activities trigger cravings like sitting in a cafe in the afternoon; you don't just drink the coffee you also eat a dessert or a croissant. You go to the movies and immediately think of popcorn because the mind makes connections before you know it. change the routine, go to the cafe after lunch just to drink the coffee, dinner before going to the movies or schedule a meeting at eleven o'clock.
  2. Occupy your mind and hands on something different, do something that is not compatible with the action of eating, for example after brushing your teeth you don't feel like eating anything. You can take more drastic measures like doing your nails when you have anxiety. You can also do a treatment at home to whiten your teeth. This occupies your mind and your hands on something else, the important thing is to start managing the thought of what you want to do (eat something) with the decision of what you are going to do, For example, instead of going to the cupboard to get a cookie, you are going to organize a drawer or do another activity..
  3. Ask yourself, is it worth cheating??, Is it worth getting fat with a Jet chocolate bar? 500 pesos? No, if you are going to eat a sweet make it worth it, a delicacy that you cannot eat every day.
  4. Keep reminders of your goal close at hand, What is the reason why you decided to go on a diet? Whether for health, beauty or increase your fitness it is good to keep a visual image as a reminder on the door of the fridge or cupboard. It is good to create a notebook or scrapbook highlighting the benefits you want to obtain by undergoing a diet, look at it from time to time to encourage you to move forward in your goal.
  5. Change your thoughts about food, instead of viewing that tres leches dessert as a delicious indulgence think of dessert as an obstacle to reaching your goal and how that dessert prevents you from achieving it, the body, the energy and health you want to achieve. A different perspective can help you change the way you see foods that used to make you lose your will.

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