Best haircuts for oval face shape

Forehead and jaw are almost the same width and the most prominent part of the face are cheeks. The jaw is slightly curved

To choose a haircut must first consider the texture of your hair. Works for you when get your hair without running off to the hairdresser. The oval shaped face allow the widest variety of styles when changing cutting, but also you must login to consider are your features: forehead, nose, jaw and which of these features is wider or longer.


Remember that generally there is no perfect ovalo. The shape of the neck It is also important to change your hairstyle when. Here or you should consider when cutting hair If your face is oval.

  • If the front is longer than the rest of the face, it is best to do some capul. So forehead hides a little.
  • If you see that the proportion of the jaw is longer, the cut you choose must pass the jaw for framing your face. You can also opt for a court that has volume to the neck.
  • In long necks pixie cuts, angular and bobs look great. If instead the neck is short and thick choose a style that pass shoulders.
  • If you put volume on top, will face elongated.
  • Long straight hair without layers gives length to the face and makes it look slimmer.
  • Volume up to the ears to see the roundest face, but you can give a little height with volume on top. So you get more harmony in the face.
  • A style cutting long layers given length and width to the face, so it is a cut that favors women shaped oval face.

Avoid cutting halved if the ratio between eyes and nose is not symmetrical, ie not measure the same or almost the same. This becomes more noticeable because the disproportion. And also cuts only look good when you leave the salon.

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