Habits for glowing skin

Every day the outer layer of the skin dies and regenerates, This happens quickly when the woman is in the 20 but then it becomes a slower process as the years go by. Elastin and collagen, components that give firmness and elasticity to the skin are important to avoid fine lines and wrinkles. To reactivate these elements in the skin you can make specialized treatments and products; also acquire these habits in your life.

It should be noted that some people show signs of early aging, others look young even if they are older than their age. This is a matter of genetics and skin care.

Clean the face daily, Make a commitment to wash your face 2 times a day in the morning and at night.

Moisturize your skin, don't wait for dry skin to moisturize, lack of moisture makes skin look stiff and chapped. Always apply moisturizer when you get out of the shower, if you have very dry skin apply 2 times a day.

Always wear sunscreen, one of the biggest causes of aging is sun exposure, without protection. The best to prevent fine lines and blemishes on the skin, is to use a sunscreen. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends using sunscreen with a protection factor 30 (SPF) and protection from UVA and UVB rays, even if the day is cloudy. If you are outdoors, apply every 2 a 3 hours.

Use creams with vitamin A, Vitamin A is one of the most powerful antioxidants, contains a compound called retinoid that helps diminish the appearance of wrinkles by stimulating the production of collagen and reversing thinning of the skin.

Avoid crash diets, although we always want to look thinner as fast as possible, the consequence is the loss of fat in the face which accentuates expression lines.

Avoid cigarettes, it is an enemy of the skin because it accelerates the aging process.

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