Tips on caring for your hair iron

He had already said that one of my favorite tools hair iron is however not use any iron for the daily care of my hair. Each plate has a specialty and is used for a different hair style. In You can find a variety. The truth is that hair straighteners They can be used to enroll, style to create waves years 20 or California waves, but it is an element that can damage the hair if we abuse use, so keep in mind these tips.

Women have sought tools to fix their hair for many years. Vanity is not a thing now, in 1800 women took pains to have hairstyles that would make them look beautiful, yes now these tools are easier to use, practical and aesthetically beautiful.

If you use the iron over 2 times a week I, you've probably gone through one of those days where you do what you do, You can not achieve the desired hairstyle; the hair is flechudo, the tips are shriveled or hair looks dull. Sometimes it's a bad day or a matter of technique. No matter the reason it is, Here I give you some tips to manage your plate and take care of your hair while.

1. Apply a sealant or protector to use hot tools

I love oil Morrocan Oil and Nectar Thermique Kerastasse. Apply the protector means to ends, as it contains oil and you can see oily hair if used from the root. Usually it gets one or 2 drops in the hands, rub them together and spread the product on the hair. Use just a little there is the secret.

2. Expects hot

Not enough to turn the plate and start working, wait for this hot, If the clamps reach the right temperature, you can do your job perfectly, this results in a very smooth smooth or waves remain much longer.

3. Use the perfect temperature

A thin or dyed hair needs a lower temperature 300 degrees, because it is more delicate and easily damaged the heat. For healthy thick hair iron it can be used at a temperature of 300 a 380 degrees and curly hair needs a temperature of 350 a 400 degrees. Plates supplied with temperature controller are best.

4. Clean plate

Like all electronic equipment needed care to do their work under optimum conditions. Dust particles accumulate in the ceramic and hinders the arrival of heat to the hair. Keep in mind, as you use the iron residues are products that apply in ceramics, which can damage the hair.

5. Combing hair

Before passing the iron comb the section on which you will work, This helps keep longer smoothing.

6. Starts from back to front

So you can handle the final result. In fact, most stylist start that way.

7. Divide the hair into sections

Regardless of the hairstyle you want to do, divide the hair into sections 2 a 3 grilled centimeters and passes through the area. Do not lose patience.

What do you do when your hair irons?

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