8 Secrets to feel beautiful every day

Look beautiful is not just a question of look, but inner attitude and your life. These councils to look beautiful, They never go out of fashion and if you still see changes in all areas of your life

1. Laugh even when you put lipstick


Laughter is the best therapy there for all. Low stress levels because it causes your body to release endorphins, just by moving the muscles of the mouth up. It makes you feel more energy because the lungs expand rapidly replenishing the oxygen in our cells. If you laugh when you are applying lipstick you can better paint the lips to the corners. further recalls: laughing from inside makes you look more beautiful and young

2. Feel happy with your hair


Sometimes we have days when hair will not cooperate with us, they collect in a moña, as those using ballet dancers, we fail. Women generally felt dissatisfied with hair. If you have straight, wanted with a little wave and volume and if we want smooth frizzy. Regardless of the shape or color you have your hair, Love her that very surely someone would like to have as your. Also, your hair is not something you need to fix but love.

3. Do not be your own bully


Much less criticize you in front of someone else. Most times women are very harsh judges with ourselves. When you take things further and telling you ugly self criticism, you're an idiot or not enough, You're doing auto bulling, which removes shine to your personality and positive energy.

4. Celebrate your face and body because the most important is what you think about you


We are all unique, should be celebrated. It would be very boring if we were all alike. Diversity is the beauty of life, the only thing is to know your personality show all your look, That is the winning style. You have big hips and like everything that attracts attention, takes eyes to your face with a spectacular necklace or shirt emblazoned.

5. If someone made a compliment or give you a compliment, Thank You alone serves no buts


Not because many women, really beautiful women when they tell a compliment as: "How beautiful you are today", respondents: "It is that I went to a hairdresser". You are beautiful! Enjoy it and create it, no matter what you've done to feel beautiful.

6. Do not complain


Nobody likes negative energy and that's to complain unless you have a solution to the problem that ails you. A study by Stanford University revealed that half an hour a day complaining is bad for the brain, decreases neurons in the hippocampus, the area of ​​the brain that is responsible for resolving problems. Remember that when you complain.

7. Have a good posture


Stand up and sit right. It is true your posture and body language says a lot about you and how safe are. The most important thing is that changing posture chest out and tummy tucking, You feel safer. Amy Cudy in his TED talk explains how, if you take the position of Wonder Woman, with hand on waist and everything changes your hormone level.

8. Give a compliment


Remind another woman who is beautiful. All we need to hear a phrase that make us feel better from time to time.

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