7 why not grow nails


There are many reasons why nails weaken, whether they break, become brittle or ridged Are you tired of easily breaking your nails and feeling the rough ends? Would you like to grow nails naturally, no need for false nails?. If you suffer with your nails and you don't know why, it's time to figure out why your nails don't grow naturally.

Weakness for work

Some tasks can be harmful to nail growth. Women who work with their hands in water for a long time break their nails because the water weakens them. Women who work in construction or manual labor have problems with nail growth because they constantly crack or tear. Women who walk or run a lot tend to hurt their toenails and although none of these things can be avoided if precautions can be taken.


Strong and thick nails means they are healthy. Some enamels have special elements in their composition to give strength to the nails and keep them in good condition. False nails although they look nice and long for a moment weaken the nails in the long term, that's why it's better not to use them. Avoid cutting the cuticles because you can attract infections or fungus, better remove the cuticle with a stick every so often. File your nails constantly to avoid cracking.

Take care of your diet

Eating a nutrient-deficient diet can impact nail growth. If you have brittle nails, your diet may lack protein, iron and zinc. Foods like grains, broccoli and certain meats can increase the amount of nutrients necessary for the healthy growth of your nails. Excess of certain foods high in glycemic content, sugars and vitamin A can lead to weakening of the nails. Everything in excess is bad so it is better to maintain a balanced diet to have healthy and strong nails.

Health problems

some health problems can cause weakening and poor growth of nails. Discoloration and stretch marks on the nails can mean something is wrong with the heart, the lungs or liver. Fungal infections such as onychomycosis change the appearance of the nails. Problems with the thyroid can cause alterations in the color of the nail or even its detachment and fall. Get a medical checkup if you see any of those symptoms.

Chemicals in daily use products

Household products, hair and body can weaken and dry nails toxins. Be sure to wear gloves when cleaning the house to avoid irritation and cracking of the nails. Constantly apply natural oil to the hands like Acai oil.

Wrong use

We all have a habit of using nails for everything, as if they were a tool to uncover containers, pluck or tear something. Sometimes we use our nails to open the key fobs when we can use a suitable tool for that.. Keep in mind that using nails as tools can cause them to crack..

Eat your nails

This terrible habit caused by nerves, stress or boredom is also harmful to health because they can cause an infection in your hands or mouth. It is better to remove the little bodies with a short cuticle or short nails. Nail painting avoids the habit of eating them, once you finish the habit you will see that your nails will grow strong and beautiful.

Your hands are a fundamental tool that you use every day and surely your nails will have broken or weakened at some point. This article is not for you to become obsessive with nail care but for you to pay a little more attention to your nails and hands. Is the growth of your nails difficult? What do you think is causing it?

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