7 Removal Methods

Since ancient times, women have sought to have the soft and delicate skin. The depilation It is not something typical of the modern world, even still we use ancient techniques for removal of unwanted hair. Currently there are several methods of hair removal; a more painful, expensive or almost final. The important thing to choose the most efficient technique for our lifestyle and budget. At the end of the day most women have a battle with those unwanted hairs.


Wax is one of the most popular depilatory techniques in the world, perhaps because their effects are longer lasting in time. If you use this technique regularly, You will notice that waxing can last up to a month (this depends on the thickness of the hair). In my personal case velludo, I can be of 15 a 20 quiet days with smooth hair-free skin.
It is a somewhat painful method, It generates a burning sensation for a few seconds when the wax is removed. Another drawback is the need to let the hair grow at least half a centimeter to re-do the procedure, which can be uncomfortable in some areas.

Depilation blade

Hair removal method is faster and there is common. Women use razors legs and underarms regularly and men face almost daily, to keep the skin soft. This form of hair removal may be the most economical but it has its drawbacks and is not that the hair grows thicker, That's a myth. As the blade removes hair superficially it grows giving a sharp to the touch and looks a bit thicker than it is, Not to mention that the 2 O 3 depilatory days must again.

More information about epilation www.depelle.com.mx

Depilatory cream

One way to remove body hair painlessly is the depilatory. It's just apply the cream, wait a few minutes as directed and dissolves hair at the surface, leaving skin silky. What is really uncomfortable smell.


It is an ancient method to remove hairs, today it is known as Sugaring. It is a mixture of sugar, lemon and honey, which it becomes a mass to be applied in the area to be depilated. This form of hair removal popular in ancient Egypt is very inexpensive for materials handling and has exfoliating properties for skin smooth and silky.


Another ancient method of hair removal that works very well on sensitive skin, because it removes hair without irritation. It consists of twisting and winding the thread to tangle the hair and remove. Depilation wire is faster than with tweezers and very good to shape eyebrows.

Laser depilation

It is one of the best methods available to remove unwanted hair, In my opinion. Laser hair removal can be costly, but very effective, as it permanently reduces the amount of hair in a particular area. By applying the laser beam on the hair, This removes hair from the root and destroys it completely, removing the root and the nutrient source (papila). Laser hair removal is a little painful, but new lasers lessen discomfort with suction or other methods.


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