6 French nail trends

If you think the French nails are boring, Here are new ways to take back the classic style of French nails with a modern twist. For many of us the French polish is the most clean and elegant style. But who he said you can not change, a small change never hurts, why we chose these 6 new variations that are trend right now to inspire your creative side.

Changes the white with another color


This trend leads to fashion a good time, applies a traditional base like pink, beige or nude and the line at the tip of the nail a different color each (Skitties) or a single tone but different white. This spring you can use several pastel shades and you can even apply online below a tape in metallic tones.

French nails inverted


Very popular in social networks, I was constantly even last season awards. There are different variations of this style. The important thing to work is to use a neutral color base: pale pink or beige gloss and crescent or crescents (blanquita part that looks like a half-moon nail birth) a white tone or if you want to have more impact using combination of colors as black and gold.

candied Base


This trend is delicate, young people and women. It is the classic French manicure but with a frosty based enamel or glitter. You can apply Glitter brightness across the nail and then make the white line on the tip. To make it look a little color pink applied base or beige, then the brightness Glitter and finally the white line beam.

metal tips


Metallic tones remain trend in every way and could not be left behind in nail design. If you think too much about using metal nails metallic colors on the tips only. That little shine give attention to your hands and is a way to use both in the office and on festive occasions. It is usually used in gold or silver but you can also apply bronze or a metallic blue. Be very careful when applying the metallic tone because these colors are more noticeable errors.

Frances design


Not too simple but stylish design is decorating the line at the tip of the nail with points, stripes or animal prints. You can apply at a fingernail (either the index finger or any other, not really matter) as base, you would use the same color line in another nail with the design you want to apply. The design depends on your pulse, If this is not very firm safest thing is to make points.

Color variation


This variation is very popular, paints nail a base color and the line of the tip of a different color. You can try variations like bright red with matte red line, black with gold, rosewood black. In particular I like the hot pink combination with a metallic silver, Chic and youthful looks. You can also make a combination skittle (each with a different tone in both the base and the line) but should be colors that make harmony.

All these styles are special and with a little practice look spectacular. I personally love the French invested mainly in shades contrast. What do you think? Are you ready to populate these new trends?


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