6 Ways to relieve skin of sunstroke

All women would love to have the tanned skin permanently or live near the beach to get that beautiful tan that very few people have naturally. Whether you take the sun for thinner verte, hide varicose veins, give more definition to the muscles or because outdoor sports practices is careful in choosing the most effective sunscreen for your skin.


The bronze color is achieved with sun exposure is no more than the visible consequence to a skin wound. The process works like this broadly: The skin absorbs UVB (they arrive deeply) and UVA (reaches the skin surface) trigger a change in the melanocytes produce more melanin, granules closest to the surface of the skin melanin oxidized by UVA radiation and skin become a darker color while remaining golden brown skin, this are protecting yourself from sun exposure.

If you have exceeded your sunbathing I give 5 Effective Tips to relieve sunstroke and next achieves that tan hue with sunless tanning sprays or; It is less harmful. Heatstroke can give you not only discomfort it causes skin damage. apply a sunscreen with a spectrum of 30 SPF or more, It is the best way to prevent sunburn but if you follow these recommendations result insolada to relieve skin.

  1. Take a cold shower, cold water can relieve pain and even invigorates your body to get on with your holiday. To do it carefully dry off a dabbing towel on the skin, leaving some water on the skin. You can wet a towel with cold water and keep it in the affected area a few minutes and repeat again.
  2. Apply a moisturizer, to retain water in the skin using creams containing aloe vera or soy, better if you have the 2 better because then you relieve elements and you soften skin. You can also use the natural aloe vera (The find in supermarkets), This gel makes blood vessels constrict generating relief. apply 4 a 5 times a day. You can also use a hydrocortisone topical lotion that is counter and relieves skin irritation.
  3. Take ibuprofen or aspirin, not only helps you combat the discomfort but it reduces swelling and irritation or that red skin color. You can take 2 tablets every 8 hours with plenty of water, It is very important to keep hydrated. Aspirin can help when the heart accelerates; secondary consequences of sunstroke.
  4. Drink plenty of water, the sun dehydrates the skin by removing fluids from the skin. Drinking water helps hydrate the body and relieve sunstroke. You can also take juices and drinks like Gatorade and Pedialyte to prevent severe dehydration. It is important to avoid drinking fluids with salt.
  5. consume probiotics, These have additional benefits such as allowing has skin heal faster when exposed to UV rays if taken orally. Some topical products with probiotics can help reduce sun damage by reducing skin irritation, repairing the skin barrier, increasing hydration and helping collagen production.
  6. Do not exploit the blisters, If blisters appear let them heal themselves. Blisters are caused by sunstroke signal a second degree burn. Never mind that not bother you explode.

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