4 essential garments for women shaped body O

It is difficult to get clothes make you look waist. You do not like to put the shirt into your pants, You think it's better to use something loose. Surely the black is your favorite color but not flatters your skin color, however as always heard beam that makes you look slimmer no matter. But you no longer wear black all the time, I'm more can banish your closet, because what I want you to work is to create your waist How? with the help of accessories and certain cuts in the garments you create a sleeker silhouette with the right clothes.

You probably have an incredible bust you sorry display or at least insinuating and spectacular legs (you usually hide in loose clothing or pants that hide your curves). The first, Start your change using V-necks that are very favorable and skirts.

Look Casual

-Essential form-body-clothing-O

Drape in a shirt and trousers middle boot semi wide. The art of camouflaging is nothing to do with cuts and garments illusions, a shirt or sweater with draping in the waist makes it look more waist without belt. You can even invest in one of those bags that can be used in several ways, and cross it to the effect of draping. A wide semi boot in the pants make legs look longer and at the same time makes you look more stylish.



A draped dress that fits your curves is a great choice. I am the first to advise the solid colors like amethyst, Sapphire, Topacio when stylize, but with this body type also I recommend using color blocking (used color blocks: clear in the middle and dark on the sides), a great trick to see waist. Any garment draped up to the torso is your best friend, because it hides the belly and you stylize. To give more attention to your legs is your dress is matte and shiny shoes portfolio.



the important thing is up a little bust line to stylize the torso and camouflage the abdominal area with some draping, lineas diagonals the draping. Looking fabrics that help you minimize stomach like strech spandex that helps you keep everything in place. If you wanted to try a bikini, looking styles with high-waisted pants fall to the navel. Bathing suits with asymmetrical top or strapless take care neck and shoulders.


A trench coat belted makes you look a harmonious figure, but if you're bold and tend to a dramatic style I recommend a trench coat belted animal print, plus get noticed favors Figure. Avoid wide jackets, They will see the square body, like a box.

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