How to overcome fear

We always have a longing that we would really fulfill if we weren't afraid; suddenly climb a mountain, paragliding, be an artist or do what we want to do. Sometimes we wish we had the courage of the heroes and heroines in fairy tales who do everything to save someone or kill dragons., I bet you what you want that those heroic figures like every successful person were once afraid.

Fear is a human emotion and to overcome it to realize your dreams is to be courageous; In other words, there is no courage without fear. We all commit heroic acts in our life – marriage, move to another country or city, get over an injury – but we see them so mundane that we don't realize, However, if we were aware of them, it would be easier not to shrink with new challenges..

The book “The Courage Quotient” shows that all heroic acts committed by different people like starting a business, conquer Everest or participate in an Olympic race, they feel fear. Being brave means feeling fear but overcoming it.

Since sometimes all it takes is a push to act, I propose to stop thinking that you have no courage and rather realize that you are brave in your own way – there are several ways to be brave- taking into account 4 important qualities to start action and achieve your dreams

Be an adventurer
Adventurous women love to try everything and manage their fears to continue their excursions, They know that if something bad happens, it has a way of solving. The important thing is to do what you have always wanted to do but have not been able to because of the fear that something bad will happen.. By treating that goal as an adventure, you will be able to separate the worries inherent in your goal from the unnecessary fears, and the first step to achieving this is to accept the fears., respect them, analyze them and… !Act!.

Explode your charm
Lovely people can connect with anyone regardless of age, sex or work – They make friends everywhere-. Talking with strangers is not easy for everyone and you may be afraid that the other person will reject you or that you will run out of topic to talk. The truth is that all people like to talk about themselves. If you have trouble breaking the ice, talking, start with a smile, look the other person in the eye (or to a point on the forehead, Also works) and always keep in mind that all human beings like to feel appreciated.

Say what you think
Be honest, not keep your opinions or feelings, if you don't like something or you don't want to commit to the end of the year meeting… !Do not do it!. Sometimes we keep things to ourselves because we don't want to hurt the feelings of others, However, what can really hurt the feelings of another person is the way we say things and the moment. If a friend of yours looks terrible in a very tight dress it is better to tell her and help her get a garment that looks spectacular on her., will thank you later. Regarding the commitments, keep in mind that if you don't do it, your other person will.

Be a leader
In your own way be a leader. There are some women who find it very easy because they are outgoing and love to be in the center of everything.. There are several ways to lead and it is a skill that can be learned to some extent, the important thing is to inspire those around you either through your life story, skill or example.

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