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Women Legging prints

? I have mixed feelings about the leggings, I love to exercise and find them super comfortable day I wear braids (to trade). I think a garment easy to use, versatile, very suggestive body completely -mark- and at the same time very demanding. If you do not know can hurt you combine all your look.

The point is that fashion has taken this pledge to be a favorite both young and the chic women and fashionistas around the world. Best said the leggings have become a must have or part fund closet any woman. So I propose to talk about this garment objectively and see how we can wear it without falling into the ordinary.

Now the power of leggings has been replacing the Skinny jeans. The most followed on social networks fashionistas considered as the IT leggings garment when buying and the more colorful best.


Remember that leggings are not pants. Although the literal sense of the word is wide pants leggings are an undergarment, frequently used in the gym and more recently as outerwear. If you want to find good choices Nike Y Adidas They know how to bring this sport to the street trend.

Embossed leggings look great on slender women with well-defined bodies because the figure does not deform print, If the fabric is more resistant. If you're going to wear leggings fashion printed note the following councils:

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  • The more prints use more leggings attract attention, why do not overshadow care.
  • Use sturdy and thick fabrics give better enhancement, stylize the leg and is more difficult than cellulite mark or rolls are made that do not have. Transparent leggings are the worst enemies if worn as an outer garment.
  • Use this garment with long shirts, smocks and sacks; not only with patterned leggings, so that only you see the silhouette of the leg and not all… You have to leave something to the imagination
  • For a youthful look shirts with slogans or phrases, heavy boots and even a leather jacket.



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