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The key to dressing

A few days ago I had an event, The story goes like: Trip to Cartagena where most of my family lives and had two very special event for me; my nephews birthday and christening baby my cousin, the latter required dress code, all guests must wear white. As sometimes happens, my white dress and had an accident chooses to improvise and use a white dress with print. This led me to think of those moments where we connect with other people and because it is important for us as human beings wear dress codes.

Tips to wear white pants

The question would be: What drives us as human beings to dress well or according to the dress codes? o Why some people seek affinity in the locker room? and why others are reluctant to be aware of your wardrobe, mostly men? I'm working on this topic for my column page personal finance where I delve a little more.

I can say so far is that the reason has to do with the connection, what connects us with people we care about. Most humans judged the locker room with a moral tint, when we get the morality of the equation and use costumes as a tool to achieve our goals, Many things can change. Rather, costumes can help us connect with people we interact every day and give a message.

Soon I'll be telling us this article in my social networks.

Do you think that your wardrobe is a way to connect? I am waiting for your comments.




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