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Colors for women winter season

Each person has a season looks to your skin tone, for analysis and whether your station belongs to the winter palette note the following:

Keep reading The analysis system color 12 seasons

Hair color

The tone of your hair can be completely black, jet, black coffee, black blue – none of the above with red overtones – and coffee tones, dark brown overtones, with ashy, platinum or white-. Women who belong to this station are fortunate enough to not have to dye your hair when it becomes white because it looks to them.


Skin color

Women who belong to the winter palette have skin tones ranging from white porcelain, beige pink, oliva, -with a cold beige hue azuloso-, almond, ebony and mahogany shades of blue, with black or red-. Many African women, Asian, indigenous, Latin and Middle Eastern countries fall into this color palette.

If your skin is olive or light black like Halle Berry seems to have golden hues make a test on your skin tone that colors can enhance your beauty be winter palette.


Eye color

For women who belong to the winter season the eye color can be black, black coffee, brownstone, dark almond-with flashes of green-blue or dark blue eyes can also, bluish-gray, gray-green or gray. The ring around the iris gray also indicates that your color palette is the winter.

famous women belonging to the winter season are Courtney Cox, Condoleeza Rice, Penelope Cruz, Halle Berry, Catherine Zeta Jones, Judi Dench and Juliet Piñeres.

Women color palette for winter season

palette-color-winterIn the system of 12 stations are 3 winter rates: Winter, strong, bright winter e Cold winter


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