The look is necessary

We have entered a new way of living life and with it a new way of working, telework. Many people are working from home and although quarantine is not mandatory part of the population, you will have to follow part of your work from home and often in a video conference. Maybe as a result of this you rethink your way of dressing, even get excited just to wear a classic blouse or shirt at the top and something comfortable at the bottom.

Let me tell you that all the wardrobe is important, you should always dress well when you work from home, so you will not have physical contact or videoconference meetings. Clothing, its forms, textures and colors support whatever you are going to do. In the following video I give you tips to support you in your wardrobe to achieve the goals in your work.

Certain clothes make you feel more energetic(O), powerful(O), this is called “Atavistic Cognition” a new term in Image psychology coined since the year 2012 which is related to how clothing has an effect on our mental processes, the way we think, how we feel and function in areas such as trust or rather security and care.

Many studies carried out on the subject have shown that if we dress with an intention, for example if we dress to work, the quality of our work will be better as will productivity. We perform better when we are dressed for the activity that we are going to do than in a sweatshirt or pajamas.

You may need to wear a sartorial dress or a tailor for men of 3 pieces, be a thing of the past in this new way of life (with the virus crown).  But grooming and dressing well – it can be a casual business style will have a big impact on a winning mindset, powerful even at home.

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