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your colors, your hidden power

It is undeniable that the color speaks to our being, many of my clients feel more confident, with the colors you choose in your wardrobe.  Elections are aware you give a message addressed to and take advantage of the attributes in that color. Having knowledge about the colors favor and their influence on our psyche is like being at the airport and know how to reach each terminal that takes you to a different target. And the person knows what colors you favor and what is the energy of each (the color is a wave that moves at a certain vibration), as a tool.

By knowing your colors or whatever suits you, when you walk into a store, You have the confidence to choose something that suits you, without waiting for validation from others.  Clear, the process of change has to do with not only internal statement (this is what I am), if no external. As the world perceives us and if that perception, this in line with what we want to project or on the contrary is opposite to the message we want to send our image.  

Now suppose you walk into a store, will you measure one specific color garment and still do not know what shades are most beneficial to you.  If you wonder Will this garment, this color looks good on me? The answer will be biased by your beliefs. If you ask the saleswoman, You will be tempted to tell you what you want to hear. Asking a family, the feeling will mark its verdict.  The answer is subjective. So how do you know reality if we all have a filter or a way of seeing things, which it is part of our reality?

We live in a world of subjective realities, but there are certain objective truths or consensus, that allow a process to achieve a verifiable response.  The color analysis or colorimetry is a system that monitors certain conditions in the same way, checking how your color reacts to different colors.

Nevertheless, by making a voluntary change like using different colors or garments and sustained over time, It is not the overnight.  Here I give you a few tips to keep your new style:

  • Start with small things, experiment with different tones nail polish.  Maquillas if you do not start using a little eyeliner and lip gloss, The first is to start.
  • Begins to analyze the changes made so far in your wardrobe and plans that other alterations can do in your look.  Use black with other colors as you dominate other neutrals like brown or blue.
  • Do not go out to buy clothes when you want a change, even after counseling.  Take your time to decant information. Wear clothes that have, analyzes that works, you can draw from your closet. For example, if you realize that the olive does not work for you, but if you use green apple, earrings with this color or some green shadow with glitter to accentuate the eye color.
  • Maybe in your hair you have to make a change, do not do it until you're ready.  He works with what everyday you can change, makeup, forms most look to your body, colors to highlight or hide parts.
  • By last, avoid self-sabotage by the criticism of who you were or what you were wearing, look from another point of view who want to be and embrace change.


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