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Treatments to stretch the skin, a new trend


If you are already feeling the weight of years on skin, You yearn to regain firm and smooth skin but do not want such a definitive solution as a plastic surgery, These will be good news. The flaccid skin can be treated by non-surgical treatments both the face and body, with the help of specialized equipment you can give firmness to the skin and delay or reduce the aging process.

Processes and procedures to delay aging exist for many years, however technology can now effective treatments and much more comfortable.

The first remains must identify before considering treatment to tighten skin is sagging type wants to fight. exist 2 the types of sagging: skin and muscle, The first has to do with quality levels and the production of collagen and elastin (They give skin tightening) and muscle flaccidity refers to muscle tone in the body, this is more difficult to treat because not only is improved treatments, it is necessary to exercise.

Dr.. Andrea Acevedo of Unit nonsurgical treatments Alan González He is a firm believer that "sagging skin goes hand in hand with muscle flaccidity so treatment should be comprehensive treat sagging skin but also the patient should worry strengthen and gain muscle mass". To stay young is very important to exercise.

Flaccidity reduction in arms treated with Thermage

Treatments vary according to the needs of each person can use specialized equipment using Radio Frequency, ultrasonic energy, infrared light or heat to stretch the skin from the inside out. The most popular treatments for their success stories are the Thermage skin slackening, Elixir and Ulthera.

The Elixir Thermage and use radio frequency to generate heat in the dermis where the collagen and elastin are to stimulate production, which improves the appearance of the skin and makes an effect tensioning. Ulthera is a micro focused ultrasound that reaches a bit beyond the dermis and allows greater control of sagging. This equipment only treats facial flaccidity.

Thermage treatment in face.

These treatments are non-invasive yet are not recommended for people with cardiac pacemaker, with metal implants or biopolymer in the treatment area. If there is an infection in the skin by acne, the doctor is likely to wait a while to heal infection, says Dr.. Andrea Acevedo.

For people who definitely do not want a radio frequency ultrasound treatment or other options such as lasers and infrared, which they are also used to reduce sagging but the results are not seen after a session, it takes about 3 sessions for 3 months to see results.

Many women begin treatments to improve skin quality to 40 year but it can be done preventively from 25 years if you want, to the 40 the skin look like 20. However it all depends on the skin and expectations of each patient.

These treatments only slow the effects of aging, They tighten the skin and improve its quality, not filled lines, or frozen muscle as does Botox.

Unlike surgery which can cost between 6.000 a 8.000 Dollars, nonsurgical treatments do not make much dent in the finances for people who are looking for an alternative to surgery, In addition there is no need for preparation or post-operative and very little risk.

For best results with any of these treatments and even to add to the beauty routine is recommended:

  • Applying creams or serums with hyaluronic acid to hydrate (not as filler).
  • Taking antioxidants such as vitamin C and E having consulted a dermatologist.
  • Use sunscreen 3 times a day gives better quality to the skin and the results will be better.
  • Exercise.


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