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All you need to know about Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid beauty

Hyaluronic acid is a very precious element in matters of beauty, the first years of our life we ​​produce this substance naturally and in large quantities, that's why the skin looks fresh, firm and smooth. To the 30 years we begin to see that our skin is changing and that it needs more care, then the lines of expression begin to be marked, gently but there are. I started this research because hyaluronic acid helps us slow down the aging process and becomes an important resource to smooth wrinkles, among other benefits. Already in the decade of the new 20 I want to continue having my skin fresh and smooth.

Hyaluronic Acid, It is a component that our body produces and as we age, decreases your ability to spawn. Not only does it keep the skin healthy, smooth and moist, but it provides support to the tissues, as it supports the structural components of the skin; collagen and elastin, creating a protective barrier.

Most people when they think of hydration, The first thing that comes to mind is to drink more water., our body is mostly made up of water (we are about a 70% agua) and if there is dehydration it shows on the skin. Nevertheless, as we age we lose water and the ability to absorb and retain this precious liquid. Hyaluronic acid helps us fulfill this function, that's why we see it in topical creams, sera, oral supplements and injections.

What are the popular uses

Although the skin is losing its ability to generate this element, cosmetic fillers composed of cross-linked hyaluronic acid may be used by a plastic surgeon or dermatologist, to fill lips, frowns and crow's feet. It is applied without anesthesia and the results are immediate.. In moisturizers or beauty serums, non-crosslinked hyaluronic acid is used as a base to improve the appearance of the complexion, the effects are not instantaneous or dramatic, but it moisturizes the skin, improves your cell condition, elasticity and reverses damage caused by free radicals.

What other properties does hyaluronic acid have??

Hyaluronic acid has many uses, not only aesthetic. This component is found in the bones, tissues, joints and cartilage; especially the one that covers the end of the bones and provides cushioning. It is used by traditional medicine to improve the level of pain and sensitivity in the joints in people suffering from degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis.. Hyaluronic acid can be found in different oral supplements, since it is essential for the production of collagen, which allows to prevent the oxidation of the body.

This component is in practically all beauty products and multivitamins.. have you used it? Have you seen improvements in your skin and/or health?? Leos!!


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