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Show yourself as you are

I was recently on holiday with a group of beautiful women. We were family and friends, single, married, widows and divorcees. And even of different ages. In some candid moments talking about beauty, reaches many conclusions and most important of all it is that our beauty is in the ability we have to show us just the way we are without shame or fear of what others say.

It's hard, because through the years, especially when we passed the stage of adolescence, many of the things they told us they stay with us. So we think the nose is very flat, the hair is very curly, We are very petite or tall ... and all this takes its toll on the perception we have of ourselves when we are adults. So much so that we reject the form of a dress or swimsuit, as they have told us in the past.

Keep reading Tips to wear a bathing suit

When this happens, note that women have different meanings about the beauty and everything depends on how it has been our experience with this ethereal concept. We have often been marked as people without beauty or an exotic beauty, but really that word has different meanings all depends on the paradigms or filters with each person; of their culture, idiosyncrasy, life story and how people who were close to her, They were related to the same concept.

Today I want you tell yourself that you are beautiful no matter what the particulars, no matter that chubby tormenting, cellulite that refuses to disappear (really does not go away), sagging at the time the holidays approach (and if you already had the 30), freckles, striae, scars etc.. I remember the time when he left the Dove campaign for women of all ages, happy and safe in white underwear, I was so glad to see the beauty in all its forms recognized as that ad time was a step to self-acceptance and female confidence. Beauty is subjective, that is to say, It is in the eye of the beholder. then look at you.


Look at your face, your body, gestures and contemplate your beauty without comparisons, regardless of the ideals imposed by others, brands, designers or advertising. Here all that matters is your opinion without filters; I mean what have they told you about how you. The only person who can make you feel beautiful is yourself and that comes after accepting each unique and wonderful part of yourself. In a letter I made about the comparison I talk about the importance of an internal reference and not external in our personal sense of beauty.

Keep reading Do not compare

dear readers, I propose to show us as we are, expose our personality, emotions and passion to the world as a liberating act of empowerment and not an anxiety attack. It is there where the real power of beauty.

Locker room: Mio Coral @mio.coral
Modelos: Gloria Velez, Claudia Chacón, Laura Velez y Lía Correal
Locación: Decameron Aquarium, San Andres islands


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