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Tips for starting your exercise routine

Over the years I have learned that if we do not enjoy how exercise becomes an imposition, a "duty" and that has a very heavy load. There are ways to learn to enjoy sport, then I will give you other tips for achieving lasting and successful routine.

It starts with the energy you put into thinking this activity. I explain better, If you think about the effort or pain, I assure you that the experience will not be enjoyable, but if you focus on the end result will be seen as the body, after constantly you practiced an exercise routine, you will achieve the result. Take for example achieve a flat stomach, you need one routine abdominal with exercises for the lower zone, medium and high, If while you are doing this routine visualize your body has achieved the goal, You have more courage to continue with exercise, pain or effort goes into the background.

Make any physical activity something fun, when something like we can spend more time cultivating that activity. I spent many years in the gym, there were times when honestly paid gym membership and would not. Every time I thought about going, my body was rebelling; I was so tired, I had a lot of work. I invented all excuses not to go through the sports center. I am now registered and reconcile my schedule to make the kind I like (zumba), which motivates me every day and has changed my perception of sports centers.

Exercise your center or core, in the center of our body is the vital energy, the strength of our personality. According to Eastern wisdom our body consists of 7 major energy centers in the abdomen is the solar plexus chakra is where all the strength of who we are as people. The more we come into contact with this area of ​​the body, more attuned we feel about ourselves.


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