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5 shells that beautify and improve health

A luminous skin, Shiny hair and resistance to the flu are some of the benefits of the peels of certain fruits and vegetables that we generally throw away.. We generally peel fruits and vegetables before consuming them without thinking about the fiber that many foods have in the skin and how they can help keep us beautiful and beautiful.. After reading the benefits of eating the peel of these 6 food you will be more cautious when disposing of waste.

The next time you are peeling a fruit or vegetable think before throwing the peel away, because it is possible that peels facilitate your beauty rituals by improving how your skin looks, body and hair because they are rich in nutrients for the body. You can eat them or mix them in a green smoothie. Here the 6 more favorable fruits and vegetables.

Pineapple Heart: Long hair

If peeling a pineapple and cutting it into small pieces can be a bit tedious, you will be glad because you no longer have to take her heart out; the hardest part of the pineapple makes the hair strands grow faster and stronger. In the hardest part of the pineapple is the bromelain enzymes that help direct the proteins used to grow new strands of hair.. You can also boil the peels and make an infusion to lose weight.

Potato peels: A luminous skin

However you eat the potato, the important thing is not to remove the peels. Whether in helmets, squirted, boiled eating the potato skin is good because it contains many nutrients for the skin (among those vitamin C). Vitamin C facilitates the production of collagen, making the skin look younger and more luminous. Who said that potatoes are fattening?… It also rejuvenates!

Kiwi peel: A flat abdomen

Although the kiwi peel has a velvety texture, it is worth grating or cutting it into tiny pieces for salads or consuming it in a green smoothie, since this increases the power of this fruit much more. If you eat the kiwi with the skin you will get the 75 percent more fiber that is good for the digestion process, speeding it up and avoiding inflammation in the stomach.

Broccoli stalks: For acne-free skin

Broccoli is one of the least popular vegetables when it comes to eating healthy but necessary for a healthy diet. Now it can be manageable when eating, knowing that it contains a huge amount of antioxidants and a powerful anticancer agent. When consuming broccoli, prepare it with the stems. consuming broccoli stalks helps reduce skin blemishes, keeps it fresh and improves the immune system.

Orange peel: for colds

Orange peel and similar fruits such as grapefruit are generally relegated to the garbage, tangelo, tangerine contains powerful antioxidants that help calm inflammations, what fights the effects of a flu also protects you from cancer cells by slowing their growth. As the citrus peel is bitter when consumed, you can scratch it and spread it on a salad with a good sauce or use it to marinate the chicken is a good secret used in cooking shows.

Nature is wise so it is better not to alter it, I'm not talking about eating everything raw but taking advantage of everything that fruits and vegetables bring.


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